Minutes of meeting held on 30 November 2007, at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, Cultra, Holywood, Co. Down, Northern Ireland
Almut Boehme, National Library of Scotland; Peter Carson, Ulster Folk and Transport Museum; Jonathan Draper, Norfolk Record Office; Ieuan Franklin, Bournemouth University; Marian Geoghegan, RTÉ; Clifford Harkness, Ulster Folk and Transport Museum; Niamh Heery, Contemporary Music Centre; David Lee, Wessex Film and Sound Archive; Cathlin Macaulay, School of Scottish Studies Archives and Library; Mairead MacDonald, Tobar An Dualchais; Malachy Moran, RTÉ; James Moynes, RTÉ; Ciarán Ó Duibhín; Nell O’Hora, Contemorary Music Centre in Dublin; Will Prentice, British Library Sound Archive (Convener); Dafydd Pritchard, National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales; Ruth-Blandina Quinn, Broadcasting Commission of Ireland; Brian Rice, RTÉ; Simon Rooks, BBC Information and Archives; Meinwen Ruddock, St Fagans National History Museum; Jack Smith, RTÉ
Martin Astell, Margaret Brooks, Fiona Tait
To Receive the Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 11 May 2007 at the British Library Conservation Centre, London
The minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2007 were accepted without amendment and signed by Will Prentice (WP).
BISA Constitution
Jonathan Draper (JD) explained that amendments suggested at the meeting of 11 May 2007 had been made to the constitution and that it was voted on then. However JD and WP invited discussion on the proposal that the minimum number of meetings, as explained in paragraph 4.1 of the constitution, should be changed from two to one for reasons of sustainability. It was also stated that by focusing on one annual meeting would increase the likelihood of extending the meeting to two days, such as the meeting held in Dublin in December 2006 and increase the chance of meeting informally with other delegates. This one meeting would then become the Annual General Meeting and discussion was also invited on when this meeting should take place, around May or the end of November.
Malachy Moran (MM) asked if this would preclude the holding of other training events throughout the year. WP stressed that the proposal was the minimum number of meetings would be one and that other, perhaps more focused events, could take place throughout the year.
Peter Carson (PC) supported the proposal but raised the question that holding the meeting in May would be better than holding it in late November or early December because May is closer to the start of the financial year, therefore increasing the likelihood that institutions could send people to the meeting, and the weather is better in the springtime, therefore making a slightly extended meeting more appealing. After a general discussion, a clear majority favored a May meeting and it was agreed that the constitution would be accepted on paragraph 4.1 being amended accordingly.
Action: amend paragraph of 4.1 of the constitution to, ‘there shall be at least one general meeting each year in May or as soon as possible thereafter. This meeting shall be the Annual General Meeting’.
Appointment of Convenor, Secretary and Treasurer
JD explained that WP and himself were elected as Convenor and Secretary respectively at the BISA meeting in Dublin on 1 December 2006 for the duration of one year and that both posts were up for re-election. In addition, the post of Treasurer was still vacant.
WP was proposed by JD and seconded by Almut Boehme (AB) to the post of Convenor. There were no other candidates and so WP was duly elected as Convenor. JD was proposed by WP and seconded by MM to the post of Secretary. There were no other candidates and so JD was duly elected as Secretary. WP explained that for reasons of sustainability, BISA required a Treasurer. He proposed Dafydd Pritchard (DF) and Niamh Heery (NH) seconded the proposal. There were no other candidates and so DF was duly elected as Treasurer.
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
JD summarised what was discussed at the meeting on 11 May 2007 in London. WP explained that due to other pressures no orchestrated BISA response to the day was organized. However WP mentioned that the 2008 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage could be discussed at BISA’s May meeting.
BISA website
MM gave a progress report regarding the BISA website. The main problems faced included the issuing of confirmation e-mails to people registering for the Belfast meeting, compatibility with Apple MAC computers; and establishing an online membership form. JD summarised the Constitution’s position on membership and explained that work was ongoing on sorting this out. MM pointed out that BISA now has a logo, has rented the URL and summarised the structure of the website and explained that once membership was sorted out he will look at developing the directory of archive holders.
AB stressed the importance of providing different ways of applying for membership, not just online, because of concerns over confidentiality. JD explained that he was aware of Data Protection issues and that BISA is hoping to enter into a contract with RTÉ as they will be data processors on behalf of BISA. JD also accepted the suggestion that alternative ways of membership application should be provided.
WP encouraged people to look at the website and thanked MM for all his work in developing the website. He also encouraged feedback on the website via the BISA Listserv (http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/BISA.html).
Any Other Items of Business
WP thanked all the speakers for their contribution to the day and to the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum for hosting the event.
WP stated that he had attended the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives’ Conference in Riga in September 2007 on behalf of his employers, and that there was a lot of interest in BISA from IASA delegates and especially their committee. WP explained that he was invited to report on BISA at the IASA general meeting and there was a lot of interest in BISA becoming a regional member of IASA. WP pointed out that at the present time, BISA was not a member of IASA but said that this may be something to consider in the next couple of years once BISA had become established. WP suggested looking at the websites of other regional IASA members to get an idea of the type of events they undertake.
WP also mentioned that a project that BISA may want to undertake in the future is the development of a directory of sound archive holdings. In about 1990 the British Library Sound Archive published a very useful resource. WP pointed out that this was now out of date and there was a need to publish a similar resource on the Internet. AB mentioned that UK music libraries had undertaken a similar project with external funding called Cecilia (http://www.cecilia-uk.org/).
Date and Time of Next Meeting
The next BISA meeting will be held at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth on 23 and 24 May 2008.
The meeting closed at 16:30.