Minutes of British & Irish Sound Archives (BISA) Annual General Meeting held on 17 May 2013, at the Manx Museum, Kingswood Grove, Douglas, Isle of Manx IM1 3LY(/strong>

1. To Receive the Minutes of the Previous Annual General Meeting held on 18 May 2012 at the Norfolk Record Office, The archive Centre, Martineau lane, Norwich

The minutes were accepted as a true record. Simon Rooks (SR) duly signed the minutes.

2. Committee Members’ Reports

Simon Rooks (SR) thanked Manx Heritage for hosting this year’s event. He stated that the BISA committee had a useful committee meeting the previous evening. The purpose of BISA was reinforced, namely to connect people with a common interest in the preservation of sound. It was agreed that BISA’s annual event and BISA’s JISCmail discussion list did this, though the latter could do with more traffic. SR expressed that the committee wanted BISA’s main event to continue as an informal event, with a relatively low registration fee. SR suggested that positive aspects of BISA were its free membership and the goodwill of members and their organizations; both of which helped keep barriers to involvement with BISA down. SR said the BISA committee wanted to keep moving its annual event around the geographical area covered by BISA. SR explained that the committee wanted more structure to its activities throughout the year in order to provide plenty of notice regarding its annual event and for the creation of the BISA directory.

Prior to the event in Douglas, BISA had 99 members.

DP stated that there was £2,869.59 in BISA’s bank account prior to this year’s annual event.

RR had nothing to add to SR's comments.

Will Prentice (WP) reported that there were 135 members of BISA’s JISCmail discussion list.

3. BISA Directory

SR explained there was a commitment by the BISA committee to get this ready for members to input their details by June of 2013.

4. Any Other Items of Business

There were no other items of business.

5. Date and Time of Next BISA Conference

The next BISA meeting will be hosted by Dublin City University on 16 and 17 May 2014.

The meeting ended at 17:00.