BISA organises an annual meeting in Britain or Ireland each year with a range of spoken presentations and exhibits, and a chance to network in an informal and friendly environment. Meetings are open to anyone with an interest in audio archiving and are usually attended by 40-80 people. The registration fees are deliberately kept low to encourage attendance from a broad audience.

A full list of previous meetings:

If your organisation would like to consider hosting a future meeting, please contact us.

When are the meetings?
BISA meetings are usually held on a Friday (a full day) and a Saturday morning, sometimes with an extra 'training day' of tutorials or workshops on a Thursday. Meetings have been usually held in November or May but can be at other times of the year.

Where are the meetings?
BISA meetings are hosted by any local organisation with connections to audio archives. The venue needs to be easy to reach by public transport. The venue should have a lecture hall/theatre, with seating for 60-80 persons.

What are the roles of the host?
The host organisation:

Liaises closely and regularly with the BISA Committee
Identifies and provides a room for the meeting; normally this is provided gratis.
Provides tea and coffee during the event (costs for this can be met from the registration fees if necessary).
Lunch: either self-paid near to the venue, or provided on site.
Provides equipment in the room for projecting slides and audio/video playback.
An adjacent space for tables with exhibits is preferable.
Provides a Registration desk, name badges and paper receipts for registration fees.
Provides suggestions for, or hosts social events (informal social gatherings).
Provides suggestions for local accommodation and guidance on travel to the venue.
Usually introduces the meeting with a presentation about their insitutions' audiovisual collections or projects – a chance to promote your organisation!

Who organises the programme for BISA events?
The programme of presentations and any training workshops is organised by an informal BISA committee, which does the following:

Announces the conference.
Issues a call for papers (and reminders) via its mailing list and website.
Reviews and selects the presentations offered.
Liaises with speakers, including any request for travel grants.
Schedules the programme of talks.
Promotes registration and issues reminders.
Coordinates the annual schedule of deadlines for conference organisation.
Administers an online registration form.
