AMIA-L is an e-mail discussion list sponsored by the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA). Subscription to AMIA-L is open to the public: for more information see the AMIA website. 


The BISA mailing list is designed to serve as a forum for information relating to sound archiving, BISA events, etc. For subscription please go to


International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives. This mailing list is intended to improve communication among IASA members. For information on how to join see the mailing lists page on the IASA website.


An e-mail discussion list for news and media librarians hosted by the University of North Carolina. Subscription to Newslib is open to all media librarians. For information on how to join see the Newslib page at the Park Library.


The UK e-mail discussion list for archivists, conservators and records managers. Hosted by Jisc. For information on how to join click on the link here.
