University of Glasgow Library


Hillhead Street
G12 8QE
United Kingdom

Collection owner: 



Collection name:; Subjects: Oral History; Classical Music; Drama & Literature; Speeches & Events: We do not have a 'sound archive' as such but rather collections that have elements of sound material as part of larger collections - material is dispersed across both Special Collections and Archives repositories. Includes: spoken word (e.g: interviews, talks) and music (including professional recordings). The contents of some recordings are currently unidentified and some are restricted for data protection reasons. Large collection of 78/33" classical music recordings. Audio material that has been deposited as part of the University Archive. Includes recordings of events such as University ceremonies and lectures and interviews with staff. Audio material that has been deposited as part of the Scottish Business Archive collections. Includes recordings of business or trade union meetings and interviews with staff. Scottish Theatre Archive material: Sound recordings, oral history interviews, performance archive film, recordings of radio broadcasts. Format: Open Reel Tape, Vinyl Discs, Compact Cassette Tape, CD. Extent: c.1000-5000 Items; items: 1000 Shellac Disc, Lacquer Disc,500 Vinyl Disc, 700 Open Reel Tape, 400 Compact Cassette, 100 published CD, 400 Digital Audio Files, 150 x VHS Tapes; 100 x DVDs


0141 330 6767

Contact name 1: 

Julie Gardham

Email 1: