Molineux Hotel Building
Whitmore Hill
West Midlands
United Kingdom
Collection owner: 
Collections: Amalgamated Engineering Union, Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Stafford District Committee and Blakenhall branch. Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz: "We are the Engineers" and "I'm Gonna be an Engineer" sung by Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl; items: 1 Vinyl Disc; Audio cassette recordings of Blakenhall women. Subjects: Oral History; items; Audio cassette tapes. Subjects: Documentary & News; Radio: The John McHugh Story, St. Michael's Church, Tettenhall, Maggie Walker and the Open Learning Centre, Wolverhampton Community Radio; items; BBC Radio 4. Subjects: Radio: Desert Island Discs - Enoch Powell; items; BBC Radio WM (West Midlands). Subjects: Documentary & News: "Portrait"; items; BBC Radio. Subjects: Documentary & News: "Down Your Way"; items; Beacon Radio. Subjects: Documentary & News; items: 1 Compact Cassette; Beacon Radio. Subjects: Oral History: Interview with P Cobb (Assistant Chief Librarian, Wolverhampton) and V Chapman (Director of Wolverhampton Borough Council Libraries); items; Beckminster Methodist Church. Subjects: Oral History; items: 2 Compact Cassette; Bilston Branch Library. Subjects: Documentary & News; items; Black and Ethnic Minority Experience Project (BEME). Subjects: Oral History; items: 104 MiniDisc; Civic events at Bilston. Subjects: Documentary & News; items; GOODYEAR TYRE AND RUBBER COMPANY (GREAT BRITAIN) LTD. Subjects: Advertising: LP record containing sound recordings, including a promotional recording by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company focusing on specific tyres manufactured by the company. ; items: 1 Vinyl Disc; Harry Philips, trolleybus driver, Wolverhampton. Subjects: Oral History; items: 1 Compact Cassette; Interview with Miss Doris Jones, former employee of Wolverhampton Borough Council Libraries. Subjects: Oral History; items; Interview with Mr A Butler and Mrs HR Addlesee regarding Wolverhampton Corporation Transport Department. Subjects: Oral History; items; John McHugh, the 'Wolverhampton Tenor'. Subjects: Classical Music; items: 2 Shellac Disc ,3 Vinyl Disc, 5 published CD; John Thompson Ltd. Subjects: Documentary & News; items: 2 Compact Cassette; Local Studies Collection. Subjects: Classical Music; items: cylinder,16 Vinyl Disc, 1 Compact Cassette, 1 published CD, 4 Audio CD-R; Local Studies Collection. Subjects: Documentary & News; items: 3 Vinyl Disc, ; Local Studies Collection. Subjects: Drama & Literature; items: 1 Audio CD-R; Local Studies Collection. Subjects: Oral History; items: 3 Compact Cassette; Local Studies Collection. Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz; items: 1 Vinyl Disc, 2 Compact Cassette, 2 Audio CD-R; Local Studies Collection. Subjects: World, Folk & Traditional Music; items: 20 Vinyl Disc; Lord Wolverhampton Rediscovery Project. Subjects: Documentary & News: Radio interview with Duncan Nimmo ; items: published CD, 1 Audio CD-R; Miss E. Dorothea Barcroft, Blakenhall. Subjects: Classical Music: Arsinoë composed by Miss Barcroft ; items: 1 Vinyl Disc; Parkfield Road Methodist Church. Subjects: Documentary & News; items: 1 Compact Cassette; Phil Sidney Pullen, civil engineer. Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz: Welcome to the Crowd: We are Wolves so Sing it Loud!; items: 1 published CD; Radio WM (West Midlands). Subjects: Documentary & News: Liz Rees, Wolverhampton Borough Archivist speaking about the Wolverhampton Film Archive; items; Radio WM (West Midlands). Subjects: Drama & Literature: Recording of a short story by Tony Stamp, a Wolverhampton Borough Council Library Assistant; items; Sound recording tapes. Subjects: Unknown; items; Tape recordings. Subjects: Documentary & News; items: 4 Compact Cassette; Tilburg Exchange, Netherlands. Subjects: Oral History: Reminiscences; items: 1 Compact Cassette; Wednesfield Weldless Steel Tube Co Ltd. Subjects: Advertising; items: 1 Compact Cassette; West Midlands Transport. Subjects: Advertising; items; Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury Methodist District. Subjects: Documentary & News; items: 1 Open Reel Tape, 1 Compact Cassette; Wolverhampton Coroner's Court. Subjects: Documentary & News; items; Wolverhampton Council - Archives oral history project. Subjects: Oral History; items: 3 Compact Cassette; Wolverhampton Heritage Project. Subjects: Oral History; items: 66 Open Reel Tape; Wolverhampton Rotary Club. Subjects: Documentary & News; items: 2 Open Reel Tape; Women of Wolverhampton (WOW). Subjects: Oral History: Oral History project entitled "The Way We Are"; items: 29 Audio CD-R.
01902 552485
Contact name 1: 
Heidi McIntosh