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Displaying 21 - 40 of 394 archives
Archive name Parallel name Localitysort ascending Website Updated
Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland Wigston Magna http://www.leics.gov.uk/recordoffice 2018-04-08
Staffordshire Regiment Museum, The Whittington http://www.staffordshireregimentmuseum.com 2018-04-08
Cumbria Archive & Local Studies Centre, Whitehaven Whitehaven http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/archives 2018-04-08
Doc Rowe Whitby http://www.docrowe.org.uk 2015-03-14
Whitby Literary & Philosophical Society Whitby http://www.whitbymuseum.org.uk/bitsnpieces/aboutus.htm 2015-04-12
Birmingham Bach Choir West Midlands http://www.birmingham.bachchoir.com/ 2015-03-07
Liz Mellish & Nick Green Watford http://www.eliznik.org.uk 2015-03-07
Walsall Local History Centre Walsall http://www.walsall.gov.uk/localhistorycentre 2018-04-08
Bill Dean-Myatt Walsall 2015-02-22
Walsall Leather Museum Walsall http://cms.walsall.gov.uk/leathermuseum/ 2015-02-22
Yorkshire Sculpture Park Wakefield https://ysp.org.uk/ 2021-12-03
Hillingdon Local Studies, Archives & Museum Service Uxbridge http://www.hillingdon.gov.uk/history 2015-03-07
Blaenau Gwent Library Service, Tredegar Library Local Studies Collection Tredegar 2015-02-22
Hephzibah Yohannan Town 2018-04-08
British Trust for Ornithology Thetford http://www.bto.org 2015-02-22
Somerset Archives & Local Studies Taunton http://www.somerset.gov.uk/archives 2018-04-08
Tamworth Castle Tamworth http://www.tamworthcastle.co.uk 2018-04-08
West Glamorgan Archive Service/Gwasanaeth Archifau Gorllewin Morgannwg West Glamorgan Screen and Sound Archive/Archif Sgrîn a Sain Gorllewin Morgannwg Swansea http://www.swansea.gov.uk/westglamorganarchives 2022-10-09
Dylan Thomas Centre, City & County of Swansea Swansea http://www.dylanthomas.com 2018-04-08
Museum in the Park - Stroud District (Cowle) Museum Service Stroud http://www.museuminthepark.org.uk 2015-02-22
